Money Hunger Fuels Child Trafficking

Posted on July 7, 2015 by Destiny Rescue Editor
Filed Under: Aftercare, Blog
An interesting thing to note about Asian culture is the respect that children have for their parents and their willingness to support their family as much as they can.

It’s a shame that respect for parents is something Western culture seems to be losing; however, that respect is only a good thing until the parents use it against the child, for evil and for selfish gain. This has happened to practically every child we have rescued out of the sex trade.

Often the reason a child is in the sex trade is because the parents have made an arrangement with the brothel owner, or the child has so much pressure placed on them to send money home that they see no other option.

Once a child is rescued and comes into our home they are supported by amazing staff whose entire focus is the healing of the child emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, as well as giving them the skills to support themselves sustainably once they leave our care.

Our team works with the child to map out a life plan so they can work towards their goals and reach their dreams. But as my team works tirelessly to heal and empower each child, we have their greedy, manipulating parents contacting them (often daily) demanding they go and make them more money.
These children have been taught from a young age that the reason they exist is to support their parents and to follow their instructions without question. What never ceases to amaze me is that although the parents are the reason they have been sexually exploited, the children’s loyalty to them has not diminished. It is beyond frustrating to see the improvements in the child’s emotional state stolen by their parents demanding they return to the sex trade.

It’s a constant battle. We wrestle for the destinies of these precious kids from the ones who should be protecting them in the first place. But it is a battle we are willing to fight to see each child reach their God-given destinies.

By Tony Kirwan, Founder & International President